What is Delta 8 THC?
Extra info: The benefits of delta-8 vary for each individual, but it’s typically known for its reduced psychoactive qualities compared to the standard delta-9 THC. By combining both delta-8 and live cannabis terpenes, our newest vape product helps limit the THC’s psychotropic activity, which can create a more relaxed experience for consumers and patients. Additionally, delta-8 connects to CB1 and CB2 receptors, and this bond tends to give you a more full-body effect. Delta-8 is often not as dominant as delta-9, which can produce a calmer experience compared to standard THC.
Delta-8 is a variation of the familiar THC compound and it naturally occurs in most cannabis strains, but typically it’s only found in trace amounts. With the help of modern science, delta-8 can be refined from delta-9 to create new cannabis vaping experiences.In fact, delta-8 THC is extracted from delta-9 THC molecules in a solvent-free distillate. But not all delta-8 vapes are alike. Products like the Hemp Derived Cookies strain THC vape cartridge are enhanced with delta-8 THC and use cannabis-derived terpenes. This innovative technology is known for its clear-head qualities compared to some of the standard vape cartridges that primarily use the traditional delta-9 THC.
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